
BCA Wandanya High-Grade Manganese Drill Program Update

  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferroalloy, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Manganese Ore, Chrome Ore,Iron Ore
[Fellow]BCA Wandanya High-Grade Manganese Drill Program Update

[Ferro-Alloys.com] Australian manganese explorer and developer, Black Canyon Limited (Black Canyon or the Company) (ASX: BCA) is pleased to provide an update on activities in relation to a planned Heritage and drill program over the W2 prospect located on the Wandanya tenement (BCA 100%). The tenement is located on the eastern boundary of the Oakover Basin and approximately 80km south of the Woodie Woodie manganese mine. Previous surface sampling completed by the Company returned high-grade manganese results.


Drilling is planned to follow-up high-grade rock chip samples from Wandanya that include assays 58.5%, 57.9%, 57.8% and 53.3% Mn1 from samples spaced 80-100m apart.

The main body of mineralisation at the Wandanya - W2 prospect is ~300m long and ~150m wide and the northern extension is ~1,750m long.

Drilling to commence next quarter after completion of a Heritage Survey scheduled for late June.

No previous drilling has been undertaken on the targets at Wandanya.

Manganese benchmark ore prices continues to rise rapidly. The 44% Mn benchmark price at the end of March was US$4.20/dmtu and has since risen to over US$7.00/dmtu.

Scoping Study over the KR1 and KR2 deposits within the Balfour Manganese Field is well advanced with the Company now compiling study information. Results are expected by the end of the quarter.

 Black Canyon’s Managing Director Brendan Cummins said:

“The W2 prospect at Wandanya represents a promising target for higher-grade manganese mineralisation, potentially linked to a structurally controlled hydrothermal system. We are eager to evaluate the potential dimensions of the surface mineralisation and determine how the grade profile trends at depth. The Company has a strong track record of exploration discovery which we aim to continue at Wandanya.

“We are progressing the Scoping Study on the 100% owned KR1 and KR2 deposits which is trending positively targeting increased processing throughput and a reduced logistics pathway to Port Hedland to lower operating costs.

“The recent spike in manganese pricing over the past few months has increased interest in our projects across the Balfour Manganese Field. However, our focus remains on ensuring future operations are viable during a low pricing cycle, while being well-positioned to benefit from price surges. This is why large potential long-minelife assets, like those we have discovered and are developing at the BMF are intrinsically valuable.”

Wandanya High-Grade Mineralisation (BCA 100%)

Heritage surveys are scheduled to commence over the Wandanya Project in late June in preparation for drilling the following quarter. Drilling will follow up a previously completed detailed sampling campaign, which returned several high-grade manganese samples, between 80 and 100m (across and along strike) apart.1

WDRC009 58.5% Mn

WDRC011 57.9% Mn

WDRC010 57.8% Mn

WDRC008 53.3% Mn

Given the grade of the samples and similarities in geological setting to the Woodie Woodie manganese mine the results received from W2 are significant. Woodie Woodie has multiple orebodies ranging in size from 50,000t to 5Mt with an average deposit size of approximately 500,000t. There is scope within the W2 prospect and along strike to find smaller tonnage, medium to high-grade manganese deposits which will be complementary to the manganese-enriched shale-hosted discoveries across the Balfour Manganese Field.


  • [Editor:tianyawei]

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